06-May-24 08:12:02 INFO Start cloth cover detector module version 2.1.4! 06-May-24 08:12:02 INFO sourceFile(scandata) : '/item/scandata.zip' -> targetFile(log-file) '/item/_cloth_detection.log' 06-May-24 08:12:02 INFO Using /item/magazineofnatura03loud_cloth_detection.log to find imagestack 06-May-24 08:12:02 INFO Successfully found imagestack path - /item/magazineofnatura03loud_jp2.zip 06-May-24 08:12:03 INFO Image measurements data: [79.56655737704918, 38.60505497430501, 23.26963971370884, 0.13749795411947943, 28.645192516199277, 0.03841502210541027, 0.010019578147779316, 0.5372023820048333, 0.18234404337970053, 15.003165078599432] 06-May-24 08:12:04 INFO Analysis of cover page with leafNum 1: 'is cloth' - False, 'edge level' - 0.43910804757158306 06-May-24 08:12:05 INFO Image measurements data: [88.0546783625731, 41.024251760378135, 24.91977772458299, 0.20194029469598304, 30.983600803353006, 0.038587345920872616, 0.010067749867168508, 0.5117356692482591, 0.21204481587153842, 14.168722842471201] 06-May-24 08:12:05 INFO Analysis of cover page with leafNum 596: 'is cloth' - True, 'edge level' - 0.20245442738703 06-May-24 08:12:05 INFO Index number of page 1 is 0 06-May-24 08:12:05 INFO Index number of page 596 is 595 06-May-24 08:12:06 INFO Save new scandata with tag 'clothCover' in /item/scandata.zip 06-May-24 08:12:06 INFO Successful finish cloth-cover detector!